"Shall I not come in this day, says the Lord, with My might and My power to show forth the glory of My presence in the midst of My people? Shall I not arise with healing in My wings? (Malachi 4:2). Shall I not give to My people that which they desire, even the fullness of My glory in this day? I say, I will give to My people that which makes them shine forth as the radiance of the sun. For as the sun does shine and give light and warmth to the earth, so shall I be as the rising of the sun in the midst of My people that they may give forth My light and My salvation in this day.


For I will cause My people to enter into new realms in Me, and they shall be clothed with My power and glory even as the glory of the sun. For do you not read that the woman in Revelation Chapter 12, verse 1, is clothed with the sun, and is this not a type of My Spiritual Power in your midst? And is it not written in Isaiah Chapter 30, verse 26, that in that day the light of the sun shall be seven times brighter? Even so shall I be in the midst of My people in this last day, as the light of the sun seven-fold. For My people who are trusting in Me, and who are coming into that which I have purposed, shall shine forth to the world seven times more glorious than that which has been. For seven is the number of My Church, and portrays My true body coming into the fullness of that which I have purposed.


And does it not say also that the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun? (Isaiah 30:26). I say to you, this portrays that time when a remnant of the chosen seed of Israel, even 144,000 of the physical descendants of Abraham now known as the Jewish people, shall turn to the Lord at the beginning of the tribulation period; for there is a double application to the sealing of the 144,000 of Revelation, Chapter 7. First there is the sealing of those Christians who shall be taken out as a first-fruits to their God. (Rev. 14:1-5). Then there shall be 144,000 Jews who will turn to the Lord and be sealed for a ministry during the tribulation period. Even so shall it be fulfilled that the light of the moon, which represents the reflective and distorted light of those yet under the rudiments of the law, shall become as the sun, which represents the light of the Christian Gospel.


Even so shall light shine forth seven-fold from My especially chosen, anointed company who have been pre­pared by Me; and also that which has only given forth the meager light of the moon - shall shine forth with the brilliance of the sun. And then shall it begin to be fulfilled that the breach of My people is bound up and the wound is healed (Isaiah 30:26). For even as I bring forth a body that is walking in the unity of My Spirit, so shall that breach which has divided My people be bound up; and even as they walk forth in the full liberty of their God, so shall that wound which has kept My people from walking in My full light and power be healed. Likewise shall the saying be fulfilled in My earthly people, the physical seed of Abraham; the breach which was made when I cast My peo­ple off shall be bound up as I receive a representative num­ber to Myself. For as I cast them off in My anger so shall I draw them with great mercy to Myself, and the breach which has kept them cast off from My presence for an entire age shall begin to be bound up. For I will receive them says the Lord, and the wound which came on them be­cause of their rejection of the Lord in human flesh shall also begin to be healed. For as they wounded Me, so have I wounded them, and they have wandered, unhealed through­out this age. But now I shall move, says the Lord, to heal them and restore them. And shall I not also heal the age-­long enmity between Christian and Jew? Shall I not bind up the breach and make My people one in these last days? Shall I not take the stick of Ephraim and join it to the stick of Judah? (Ezekiel 37:16-19). Shall I not join the house of Israel which is represented by the nations of Christendom and join it to the house of Judah which is found today in that people known as the Jews? For truly I will bind up that bro­therhood which was broken when My staff was cut asunder, even that time when the anointed Messiah was crucified. (Zech. 11:7-14). And shall I not once again take that which was beautiful in My hands, and bring it once again into its rightful place, that the brotherhood between the house of Israel and the house of Judah might be restored. I say, this I will do as I join together My people in this last day. And it shall be a time of great rejoicing as My people who call on My name are healed of their unbelief, and as they go forth to proclaim My truth; and also that anointed company of overcomers which I am now raising up shall speak forth My truth in power.


And the light of that day shall be glorious, as the seven-fold light of the sun or My chosen body shines forth, accompanied by the light of the moon which will become as the light of the sun. And the result will be an eight-fold light shining forth in this end-time. It will be the light of full Resurrection power and glory to bring regeneration to multitudes, as I move to bring forth that which I have pur­posed for this end-time. Therefore rejoice My people, for great shall be the manifestation of My glory in this day, and you shall know the fullness of that which I have prepared for this time, says the Lord." 


(End of prophecy)