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The Supernatural Freedom Anointing Movement
As the darkness of back door tyranny continues to steadily descend on the world through the hidden rule of commercial law, and as the surface church continues to look for past revival to reappear to treat today’s ills, there is something you need to know about what really is coming and what you need from the Lord to face it.
The times we have begun entering herald a foundational shift underway in the government of the earth. It is a shift out of the hands of the kingdom of darkness and the kingdoms of this world under their commercial domain to the kingdom of light through the priestly royal sainthood of the people of the Lord Jesus Christ. Again, we are talking about foundational shift, not superficial impact for a temporary period. This is the first thing to realize, because the expectation of the superficial church for temporal revival past is unequal to what is at hand and descending.
The tyranny at hand will be producing mass arrests, detentions and exportation to hidden prison camps. The devil will be attempting to foreclose on the entire world, laying claim to all “his property” in default—all lands, all dwellings, all wealth, and all bodies and souls of the “legally incompetent” masses. Everything will be stamped with a number. The foreclosure has already begun and has been subtly underway in earnest for 100 years.As the darkness of tyranny continues to assert its grip, it will both smash the church’s inadequate expectations for deliverance through temporary revival, as well as all law-based “liberty” or “freedom” movements to combat it. Instead, the Lord will be doing a new thing, though not unheard of before. In answer to the darkness, He will be imparting a new anointing for supernatural freedom. At the height of the conflict with the tyranny, this supernatural freedom will be the only measure available for deliverance and protection until the final overthrow of the tyranny by the power of the Lord Himself.
Supernatural freedom has been demonstrated before in Scripture. Several Old Testament prophetic encounters reveal such freedom, including the deliverance of Lot, the power of Samson, and Elijah’s and Elisha’s freedom from the seizure by military companies. In the life of Jesus, we witness the supernatural freedom anointing in several encounters wherein he was unable to be seized prior to his ordained time to give His life for us. We also see it in the angelic deliverance of Peter as well as the earthquake deliverance of Paul and Silas from prison.
In these latter cases, the freedom anointing manifested after the seizure, while in the others it manifested before the seizure. In other words, the freedom anointing will be in force to sometimes preserve liberty while at other times to restore liberty after it has been removed.Similar to the stories above, the supernatural freedom anointing will be demonstrated by different means. The anointing may fall on the individual or the group, or it may come through angelic intervention. We have also previously discussed variations on the demonstration of this end time freedom. Most usually we have talked about the liberty of the manifest sons of God who will be untouchable in the demonstration of their eternal physical life. We have also noted the eternal shift that will be available as well in situations.
The reason that expectation of past revival will be inadequate for facing the tyranny is that in general revival ministers to the initial phase of spiritual liberty in Christ through the new birth and gift of eternal life. The liberty of initial class revival will indeed be active, but will not speak to the larger dynamic of the foundational shift underneath the tyranny conflict, which involves the earthwide changeover from human governmental tyranny and corruption under satan to manifest governmental liberty under the new Law of Christ through the sons of His priestly kingdom—something never seen before. New governmental order and structure will be being brought to earth of which the great liberty anointing will be a harbinger, or as Hebrews calls it, a “taste of the powers of the age to come.”
To be clear, like any other anointing, faith will be required. Faith is required for healing. And it will be required for liberty at that time. It will take faith to stand up for things and to things you never ever thought you would have to. But as the faith is exercised, the protection and the freedom will present themselves.
This freedom anointing movement will encompass those of “Goshen” throughout the earth who are “passed over” by the Lord as the death angel strikes the world kingdom of Pharaoh. And as we have been saying of late, this freedom, like all true freedom, will be found only through the applying of the precious blood of the Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world. As the darkness descends, there is not a better time than now to “wash your robes” of every spot in the blood of the Lamb if you want to be free in that day.
This is a watchword only. Be alert. Be understanding of the times before us. If you are in foreclosure or in debt, you already have incentive to understand these things. Understand that the frog is being slowly boiled. And so prepare to walk into new realms of liberty and responsibility never before imagined by you.
Don’t be alarmed at the descent of the darkness, but retool your heart in expectation of the greater liberty and salvation through the blood. Seek the Lord while He is near, and call on Him while He may be found. Allow the Holy Spirit to crucify the tyranny of your own flesh now. In this, you will be best positioned to enter into the supernatural liberty available in the hour of trial.
Chris Anderson
New Meadow Neck, Rhode Island
First Love Ministry
- a ministry of Anglemar Fellowship
Webmaster littleflock@netzero.net
Page created July 13, 2017