Restoration first.  In the passage from Joel just quoted, when read in the context in which it was given, the inspired prophet said, "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh.” After what? Read the verses preced­ing in the 2nd chapter of Joel and you will discover that God promised a restoration. In Joel's day the people of Israel, be­cause of their unfaithfulness to the Lord, were suffering from drought, famine and a locust plague. The land was languishing, and being stripped (see Joel, chap. 1). But Joel was to lift up his voice like a trumpet and call the people to return to the Lord with fasting and prayer (Joel 2:1, 12-18). Then the Lord promised to RESTORE what had been lost (Joel 2-25), by send­ing rain and blessing them again with "grain and wine and oil,” as well as driving off the "locust army" (see Joel 2:19-30). In God's symbolic language, "grain" stands for the WORD (the liv­ing Bread), wine pictures JOY and BLESSINGS, and oil represents the SPIRIT.  The natural nation of Israel lost natural resources through natural disasters. This is a type of how spiritual Israel has lost spiritual resources through spiritual disasters. But as God restored to natural Israel what was lost, so will He re­store to the church what has been lost. Let us look further. . .


Locusts.  The locust plague which had devastated the land of Israel is a type of the demonic hosts of Satan coming against the church. Through the "wiles" of Satan (Eph. 6:11), the church was gradually deceived and "seduced" into leaving her first love, and falling away from the truth (Rev. 2:4; II Thess.2:3). Then followed in time conditions of drought (lack of the "rain" of the Spirit), and famine (lack of hearing the Word of God—see Amos 8:11). In the land of Palestine, locusts always come in times of drought, stripping the land of its remaining vegetation. True to this type, when the church began to experience spiritual drought and famine, the Satanic inspired doctrines of Balaam (compro­mise with the pagan world—Rev. 2:14), the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes (political power of the clergy and subjection of the people in ignorance and superstition—Rev. 2:16), and the seducing tactics of Jezebel (mixing pagan religious ideas and practices with Christianity—Rev. 2-20), began to STRIP THE CHURCH of its remaining spiritual life and power. Giving in to "seducing spirits and doctrines of devils" became common; two of which Paul mentions as "forbidding (the clergy) to mar­ry, and commanding to abstain from meats (on certain days, etc.)”—I Tim. 4:1-3).



Opening of the pit. Rev. 9:1-4 definitely shows that locusts are a type of Satanic spirits.  The symbolic picture shows the pit being opened and the demonic spirits of Satan in the form of locusts, going forth to "torment" mankind. In 9:2, we read that the sun was darkened by their activity. The sun is a type of Christianity and the church, which has been "darkened" (rob­bed of its light and power in relation to the people) because of the corrupting tactics of Satanic spirits. But though the "sun" of traditional "churchianity" is being darkened, there is anoth­er side of the picture, and it fits the pattern of God's promise to deliver Israel from the locusts and their devastation, and re­store what had been lost, when they would heed His call to "re­turn [ ] even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning (repentance)"—Joel 2:12.


Sevenfold brighter.  Isaiah speaks of a day when "the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord binds up the breach of his people and heals the stroke of their wound" (Isa. 30:26). The number seven symbolizes the church and also speaks of the completed cycle or consummation of this age. Therefore as we reach the climax of God's plan for this age, a segment of God's people are going to shine forth in the glory and power of Christ SEVEN TIMES BRIGHTER than ever before. This will take place when the Lord "binds up the breach" (restores UNITY) among His people, and "heals the stroke of their wound (restores SPIRITUAL HEALTH)" and VITALITY through the cleansing and refreshing of His Word and Spirit. The beginning of this work is already evident in what the Lord is now doing among many spirit-filled Christians of all backgrounds. Surely we are beginning to see Hosea's prophecy fulfilled in our day: "Come, and let us return to the Lord: for he has torn and he will heal us; he has smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days (2,000 years—11 Pet. 3:8) will he revive us: in the third day (the ‘day of the Lord’—now dawning) he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord; his go­ing forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come to us as the rain, as the latter and former rain to the earth." (Hos. 6:1-3.)



Recovery. "Restoration" means the recovery of that which has been lost; to bring back, or put back into the former or original state. God moves by His Spirit, not just so that we might be blessed, but that His Church (His spiritual "house" or "temple") might once again be BUILT UP and RESTORED out of the "ruin" into which it has fallen. The recovery of the spiritual truths and practices of the New Testament church results in spiritual renewal and power.  God's order as given in Acts 3:17-21 is REVELATION, REPENTANCE, REFRESHING, RESTITUTION (restoration), and RETURN of Christ. Christ must remain in the heavens until the "times of restitution of all things" which God has spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began" (Acts 3:21). This does not mean that Christ remains in heaven until all things spoken by the prophets are restored, for the great millennium coming is itself a time of restoration when many things, including paradise conditions on this earth, will be restored. But restoration begins with the church, the house of God, through the judgments of God (I Pet. 4:17). We are now in the beginnings of the times of restitution or restoration, and since the church is God's instrument during this age of grace, then the church must be restored to its pristine glory and power before this age ends.



Prophet of restoration. The spirit and ministry of Elijah is especially associated with restoration.  In his prayer in I Kings 18:37, he uses an expression meaning restoration: "turned their heart back again.” John the Baptist was to go forth in the "spirit and power of Elijah"(Lk. 1:17). When the disciples ask­ed Jesus concerning Elijah, He said, "Elijah is coming and will restore all things; but I say to you, that Elijah already came, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wished. . . Then the disciples understood that He had spoken to them about John the Baptist" (Mt. 17:10-13). But we have al­ready seen that John the Baptist's ministry was only a partial and preliminary fulfillment of the Elijah prophecy. OUR DAY must see the final and complete fulfillment of the restoration ministry of Elijah. John the Baptist was "filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb" (Lk. 1:15). John brought a preliminary and preparatory move of the Spirit before Jesus came to His people. Even so in this end time; God is moving now by His Spirit, in what we might call the "restoration rain,” which shall culminate in the "double portion" rain spoken by Joel the prophet: "Be glad then, [ ] children of Zion (we are children of the heavenly Zion—Gal. 4:26, Heb. 12:22-23), and rejoice in the Lord your God: for he has given you the former rain mod­erately (this is the restoration of the "early" or Pentecostal rain which came on the church in its beginning), and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month (the 'double portion')." Joel 2:23.


Prophet of revelation. Restoration can come only through revelation of the truth. Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). Free from the cor­ruptions of Satan which bring bondage. When John came on the scene, he found a nation that was in bondage because the Divine Revelation God had given them was "encrusted" and overlaid by the "traditions of the elders" (Mark 7:3-I I), and as a result the Word of God was made of "no effect" (without life and power). Thus "THE WAY" of truth and righteousness which God had given Israel, was no longer a straight, level "path" for the nation to travel on toward its appointed destiny. John's task was to renew and restore the Divine path by turning the people back to the truth of God's ways. His message, as fore­told by Isaiah was: "Prepare [ ] THE WAY of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain" (Isa. 40:3-4).  He could only straighten out the "crooked" ways they were walking in by calling them from their ways back to God's ways.


Prophet of repentance.  In calling the people back to God's ways, he commanded them to REPENT; and the people went to be baptized of him, "confessing their sins" (Mt. 3:6). Repen­tance means a change of mind and heart, leading to a change of action. John spoke to the people thus: "Bring forth there­fore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham for our father; for I say to you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abra­ham. And now also the axe is laid to the root of the trees: every tree therefore which brings not forth good fruit is [cut] down, and cast into the fire" (Luke 3:8-9). This message is applicable to our day, for the church has followed in the "way" of Israel: substituting man's ways for God's ways, "encrusting" the Word of God by religious traditions, and failing to enter the "covenant land" of spiritual blessing and power through unbe­lief. The "axe" of divine truth and judgment is now laid at the root of all man-made ways and religious systems. All are going to be "[cut] down" and cast into the "fiery" tribulation which is coming on the earth (see Rev. 2:22; 3:16). The "fire" (of tribulation) is going to TRY every man's WORK of what sort it is (see I Cor. 3:12-15). The question is not so much with whom we are working in our affiliation (in or out of a denomination), but rather HOW FREE are we to BUILD with the "gold, silver, and precious stones" of God's truth and ways, rather than the "wood, hay, and stubble" of man's traditions and ways.


God's call.  God's call to those who have ears to hear is RE­PENT and COME OUT of her (religious Babylon—the confusion and bondage of man's ways) MY PEOPLE, "that you be not par­takers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues" (Rev. 18:4). Boast not in either your physical OR religious pedigree. Say not within yourselves, "We have Abraham (or some relig­ious group or denomination) as our father (putting your TRUST in such a relationship): for I say to you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham." And THAT is just what He is doing!  He is "raising up" and "shaping" LIVING STONES (I Pet. 2:5) which are "built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. In whom all the building fitly framed together grows into a holy temple in the Lord" (Eph. 2:20-21). And in doing so, He is breaking through all religious barriers that man has erected, and Christians of all backgrounds are begin­ning to "flow together" as never before, regardless of what their "affiliation" might be as far as fellowship and worship.


No one man.  Elijah and John the Baptist were both called to minister to a small nation within a very small geographical location on the earth. For how long a period John the Baptist's ministry continued, we do not know. But that one lone man could cover the land through itinerant preaching and prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah.  However, when Christ comes again, He will return to the whole world, not to just one small nation, so that it will take a worldwide prepara­tory ministry through many chosen vessels. Thus the "Eiijah" for our day is not one man, but rather a movement involving many servants of the Lord.  No person or group can say "I" or "we" are "it.” "It" is a move of the Spirit encompassing many. When John the Baptist was asked who he was, he replied, "I am the VOICE of one crying in the wilderness" (John 1:23). He indicated by such an answer that who he was (personally) was unim­portant. He had not the slightest desire to exalt himself as an individual, or to build something around himself.  He felt no jealousy or rivalry toward anyone.   His answer to those who came to him with information that Jesus was baptizing and all men were coming to Him was this: "A man can receive nothing except it be given him from heaven. . . He (Christ) must in­crease, but I must decrease." The same spirit of self-efface­ment must be manifest today among those who are CRYING out this last day message of preparation.  Individual personalities are of little importance, but the VOICE (of prophetic authority) must be heard in the land. Any ministry that we may have has been given to us from heaven and there is no occasion for boast­ing or self-exaltation. We must not call attention to ourselves, but MAGNIFY CHRIST.



Unity. John the Baptist set the PATTERN of oneness or UNITY when he said, "I am the voice of ONE crying." Not many voices, but ONE. If we are to "Make ready a people prepared for the Lord" (Lk. 1:17), we must realize that this people is ONE BODY IN THE LORD, and that we must be "endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (For) there is one body, and one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling: One Lord, one faith, one baptism. One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all" (Eph. 4:3-6). There should be no rivalries, no jealous­ies or sectarian spirit among those who are seeking to move out in this last day message and ministry; but ONE BODY beginning to function in God's divine order with each ministry and each member of the Body functioning as the Spirit equips and directs, and in subjection to one another in love (Eph. 5:21; I Pet. 5:5).


Let Christ Increase. Our personal ambitions must be replaced by the desire to see the Lord INCREASE in the "church which is His Body” (Eph. 2:22-23), as EACH MEMBER develops in his or her ministry. The five gift-ministries of Eph. 4:11 are "for the equipping of the saints for the work of service (ministry), to the build­ing up of the body of Christ" (New American Standard). Each ministry must fulfill his function, and yet be willing to decrease that the Lord might increase IN THE WHOLE BODY. "But speaking truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: from whom the whole body, fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effective working in the measure of every part, makes the increase of the body to the edifying of itself in love" (Eph. 4:15-16).



Turning the hearts.  Let's look again at the Elijah prophecy of Malachi 4:5-6. "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet be­fore the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse." God places great importance on His divine order, whether in the home or in the church. We cannot ignore the importance of the headship and responsibility of fathers, and proper submission to authority in the divine arrangement of the family and the church. It is the BREAKDOWN of the home (and the consequent effect in all society) that is causing the "curse" of divine judgment to fall on the earth. "Lawlessness" is ram­pant in every segment of society, even as Jesus said it would be (Mt. 24:12). It is not just the increase of crime and violence that reflects this spirit of lawlessness, but the "militancy" that is evident in the "demanding spirit" of "I am going to get what is coming to me OR ELSE," with strikes, marches, demonstra­tions, disruptions, destruction of the rights and property of oth­ers, defying and disobeying the law in various non-violent or semi-violent ways; and much of this even aided and abetted by some Churches and Ministers. Then there is the moral breakdown, also aided and abetted by many Churches and Ministers who reject the divine authority of the Word of God, teach the "new morality,” "situation ethics," etc., all fulfilling Jesus' prophetic words in Mt. 7:21, concerning those who would SAY "Lord, Lord," but would not do the will of His heavenly Father. Such, said He, are those who "work iniquity" (the Gr. word means "lawlessness").  It is the "fathers," who have the authority and responsibility under God, whose hearts need to be TURNED BACK to their children, to TEACH, LEAD, and SET the right EXAMPLE, in order to stem the tide of lawlessness.


Spiritual fathers. The "fathers" spoken of in the prophetic utterance, whose hearts are to be "turned back" by an Elijah ministry, can be both natural fathers, [and] the spiritual fathers (pastors) of the church. The hearts of the pastors must be turned back to their spiritual children (their flock).  God is very se­vere in His Word in His denunciation of the pastors or shepherds who have not properly taken care of their flocks (read Ezek. 34 and Jer. 23).  This is too large a subject to go into here; but there are far too many "hirelings" in the pulpits of the churches (John 10:12-13). They don't feed the people with the "meat" of the Word of God, and they do not have a heart to the people as they should, but to their own career, success, popularity in the eyes of people, etc.  Isaiah states it in this way: "they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter" (Isa. 56:11). But God made a promise, and I believe He is fulfilling it in this day: "And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neith­er shall they be lacking, says the Lord" (Jer. 23:3-4). We can praise God that He is turning the hearts of the fathers (pastors) back to their flocks. And this is bringing to pass the other half of the promise, "and the heart of the children to their fathers (pastors)," as hungry hearts seek out those true shepherds who will feed and care for them, and then render to these shep­herds the true submission and support which God desires.



Another phase of truth. The "turning of the hearts of the children to their fathers" has another phase of truth. We sometimes refer to those men whom Christ chose and appointed as apostles as "church fathers." Paul indicates that he was a spiritual fath­er to the Corinthian church (I Cor. 4:15). The early Christians "continued steadfastly" in the APOSTLES' doctrine   (Acts 2:42). In other words, their hearts were to their spiritual fath­ers in the Lord.  In this day, I believe an "Elijah ministry" is turning the hearts of God's people back to the NEW TESTAMENT and the TEACHING of the APOSTLES. The desire is to see apostolic truth, order and power return to the church, and this requires bypassing all the accumulated traditions and manmade ways of the last 1900 years and returning to the "fountain" of truth which Christ committed to His apostles.


The home. We can see yet another phase of the truth that the hearts of the fathers would be turned back to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. Among those who are seeking to move in what the Lord is doing today, there is a fresh emphasis on the place of the home in God's plan, and a renew­ed desire to see God's divine order for husbands, wives and children implemented in the home. We cannot enlarge on the subject here, as it is beyond our scope for this booklet. But we are beginning to see as never before that the church will only be as strong as the individual family units which make up the church. Many have had the strange notion that they can be "spiritual" and yet not fulfill their proper "role" in the home as a husband and father, or wife and mother. We MUST get back to the ba­sic truth that if a person is married, their FIRST and most IM­PORTANT ministry under God is to their family. HOW WE TREAT THOSE NEAREST TO US IN OUR IMMEDIATE FAMILY CIRCLE determines to a great extent how "spiritual" we are in the sight of God. There are too many, both men and women, who are out trying to minister to others when they have failed to fulfill their responsibilities and ministry to their own mates and children in their own family. God help us to get our pri­orities right and put first things first. This is part of the min­istry of "restoration" taking place in our day.