"Am I not working within you, says the Lord? And can you be joined to me until that work is complete? Do not misunderstand that which I am doing, for I work in ways that the human mind cannot fully comprehend, and which are under­stood only by revelation of the Spirit. Therefore do not try to judge my workings with the natural mind, for they will seem like foolishness to you. But seek rather to understand spirit­ual workings by revelation of the Spirit. How am I working within you, and what am I seeking to accomplish? I say, I am working to perfect the inner man that he may be prepared to walk and talk with me in the realms that I have prepared. For none but those who are fully prepared will be received to me in my heavenly kingdom. Does a man begin a work and then not finish it? Does a man plan and then not accomplish and fulfill his plan? Do you think that I am less intelligent than a man, that I will not complete what I have purposed and not finish what I have begun? Is it not written that I have be­gun a work in you and that I will perfect it, even for that day of my appearing when all who are ready shall be received of me into my glory? (Phil. 1:6).


Think not that my work for you, in providing for your redemption and salvation from sin, is all that is required. I say, this is only the beginning. After this has been received, there is that work which I must do within you to make you a fit vessel to receive all that which I have prepared for you. This does not mean that those who fail to let me do a com­plete work in preparing them for the greater glory shall lose their salvation. Far from it, for once I have given I will not take away. But there are many realms in my Kingdom, and there are places for all who have been saved. Those who have not allowed me to do a complete work within them shall have to accept a lesser place and a lesser glory. For there is a dif­ference, for example, between the earthly glory and the heavenly glory. Those who have failed to progress will have to remain in the earthly realm until a minimum work is completed within them. Even so shall they then be prepared to be chang­ed and elevated to a higher realm and a higher glory. And even in the heavenly realm there are different degrees of glory depending on the completeness of the work done within and the progress made on the path that leads to the full stature of the Heavenly Father. So my people, if you would desire to enter into my glory and receive that which has been pre­pared for those who love me, then let me do a complete work within you that you may be found worthy in that day to enter into the glories of my heavenly kingdom.


Do you not know that even those who have passed from this life through that portal called death are not all on the same level of glory? For even in that realm called paradise there are stages and degrees of progress and different levels of attainment. But I say to you, even many in paradise, who failed to let me do a complete work in them while they were on the earth, will have to come back to earth to finish out their course. For there is a prescribed course for every saved person who dwells on the earth, and if that course is not com­pleted in the allotted time given to them, then they come back to earth in that which is called the resurrection of the body, and in a physical body that is no longer subject to death they will finish out that which I have determined for them. And then, and only then, shall they be raised up to that higher realm which is termed the heavenly. For I say, I am perfect­ly capable of ‘raising up' a body from one realm into another realm. I am perfectly capable of taking that which is a phys­ical body and transforming it into that which is a spiritual or glorified body.


Therefore consider what I say to you, for many there are who shall be greatly disappointed in that day of my appearing when they realize that they do not qualify for entrance into my heavenly kingdom. For they have not been sufficiently proven by me and they have not let me do a complete work in them, therefore I will have to say to them 'depart from me' for I have not sufficiently known you in your innermost being, and have not sufficiently proven you, for you to be received of me. Therefore depart into that realm which is prepared for you until you have sufficiently 'worked out' that salvation which has been given to you, and where you will have the time and the willingness to let me perfect your innermost being so that you will then be prepared to inherit the greater glory says the Lord.


Now consider the ways and means of my workings within you, even by my Spirit says the Lord. I must continue to work with you, my people, until you reach that place of utter abandonment to my will, even to where the illusory things of this world have lost their allurement and where nothing in this life really matters except the fulfillment of the divine purpose for you. And this takes so much time with most, for truly the god of this world has blinded the eyes even of my people into a totally wrong emphasis and involvement in the materialistic world of physical things. And thus through many hardships and disillusionments I must continually work with you until you come to the place where your one all-consuming desire is for me and my purpose for you. Then I can begin to do a quick work within you as your pliable will and mind are yielded ­to me. And quickly do you begin to learn my ways, and my Spirit is able to begin to impart within you, as you yield your­self to me, all the fruits and graces necessary for a com­plete work. For as you yield I am able to mold you as clay in the hands of the potter, and My Spirit hovers over you to continually take away that which is not harmonious to me, and places within you that which will enable you to be perfected in my image. For my workings are by my Spirit, but first I must have a vessel completely yielded and pliable in my hands. I am then able to bring your thoughts, desires, and innermost being into that which magnifies me and manifests my perfect will for you.


I say, when you come to this place of complete yield­ing, you will be amazed at how quickly I am able to trans­form your innermost being into the very image and fashion which I desire. And you will be amazed at how much you de­sire only the pure things of my Word and my Spirit, and how the things of this world hold very little attraction to you. It is this utter abandonment to me and utter indifference to world­ly cares and concerns that enables me to do a quick work in you. But I say, how long it takes to bring you to this place! This is why most Christians make such little progress through many years. They are unwilling to see the delusiveness and utter illusion of the things of this world, and having many idols in their hearts and many things which consume their time and attention, it is impossible for my Spirit to do the work in them that I purpose. So I must continue to give them their hearts desires until they realize the utter folly of their ways, until they begin to get their spiritual eyes open to the glory and reality of my being and my great love and my great plan for them. Then, and only then, can I begin to work by my Spirit to transform their inner being into the beauty of my holiness.


Why must I bring you to utter disillusionment, my peo­ple, with the things of this world? Why must I bring you through one hardship after another that you might get your eyes on the right things? Why must I spend so much time bring­ing you to a place of utter consecration to me so that my work may be done in you? I say to you, not until you are will­ing to abandon the idols that hold you and count as nothing the things of this world, will I be able to do that which I have purposed, and work within you that which is necessary for the full entering into my heavenly glory.

Oh my people, hear my voice! Abandon your folly-in-evil which blinds your eyes to the beauty of my holiness and to the glory which is being prepared for you. Hear this ad­monition and let me prepare you, so that you may be received of me in that day, says the Lord."

(end of pro­phecy).