Following the prophecy on the "Two Witnesses " are four prophecies which should be read carefully and prayer­fully. They are "A Time of Preparation ," "Vessels and Ins­truments ," "Spiritual Sight ," and "Abiding." They relate to your own personal Spiritual preparation for the trying days that are ahead. Only a fool would go into battle as a soldier with no preparation, or into an athletic contest with no train­ing. Yet millions of Christians are going to get caught with little or no spiritual preparation for the tribulation days ahead when more will be required of God's people than at any other time in human history. There is nothing more im­portant for your life now than for you to let the Lord prepare you for the days that are shortly coming.


Read Luke 12:31-48 (especially), but it would be well to read and meditate on the whole chapter. Notice verse 42, which speaks of that "faithful and wise steward" whose re­sponsibility is to give out what is called the "meat in due season." In its first application that "steward" is the Holy Spirit who is being faithful to make known that specific "meat" or spiritual revelation for this end-time. Much con­cerning His plan and purpose, God has reserved for this spe­cific time in human history, and the Holy Spirit as the "faith­ful steward" is now making known this "meat in due season." In its second application that "steward" is represented by those special ministries which God has raised up in this hour with a special commission to receive this end-time revela­tion by the Spirit and make it known to those who will hear. That which you have received through these publica­tions is a portion of that "meat" for this hour. In its third application that "steward" is YOU. You have a responsi­bility to be faithful in that which you are receiving. You have a special stewardship in this end-time, and it is imperative that you not only prepare yourself but also help to pre pare others. You cannot escape this responsibility!


Notice verses 47 & 48 of Luke 12. We read that the servant who knew not his Lord's will and did not prepare shall be beaten with few stripes, but the servant which knew his Lord's will, but prepared not shall be beaten with many stripes. "For to whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required." The "stripes" here are not literal but figurative, and refer to the time of tribulation coming on the earth. Just what these "stripes" will involve I do not know, but I surmise that they refer to the buffeting by trying and difficult circumstances during the tribulation through lack of the complete protection and guidance of the Lord. They will be the natural consequence of a failure to prepare. 

Will you not heed this admonition now? Our time is short. Seek the Lord as never before and let Him do a work of preparation in your life. Share with others of like mind and help to prepare them. Will you not also help to hold up the hands of those God has chosen to be in the fore-front of the battle with a special end-time message and ministry? Pray for us daily, WE have a stewardship. To whom much is given much is required. This is balanced by the fact that if we are faithful in that which has been given us, then great shall be our blessings and reward. Whether you have any particular responsibility toward this ministry through whom you are receiving these revelations is between you and the Lord. But you might consider the question posed by Paul in 1 Cor. 9:11, "If we have sown to you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal (material) things?"