In Habakkuk 2:2 we read: "The Lord answered me and said: Write the vision! Make it plain upon tablets, so he who runs by may read it!" So many people are prone to "run" while they read. After a hurried reading of the prophecies and articles in each issue they lay them aside wondering when some more are coming out for them to read in the same manner. So many read just to satisfy their curiosity as to what some man has to say, or to engage in some speculative gymnastics about what might come in the future. This accom­plished, they give little further thought to what they have read.


Beloved, it is dangerous to consider lightly that which the Lord is making known in this hour of human history. The Lord holds you accountable; with knowledge comes responsi­bility. Reading the material contained in these publications will do you very little good unless there is sufficient study and meditation, along with the Bible, to allow the Holy Spirit to impart illumination deep into your inner consciousness, causing the truth to be "born" in your heart, and then assimilated and incorporated into the very fabric of your soul, be­coming as a "fire" in your inner being (Jer. 20:9). 

Take not lightly the truths you are receiving through these writings. Do not cast them aside with one casual read­ing. Slow down and meditate while you read, looking to the Holy Spirit to illuminate and make real what you read. Above all, take your Bible and read carefully and meditate on all scripture references and passages mentioned. Let His Word become a fire within you to penetrate and purify, con­suming all dross, preparing you as a vessel to His glory; lest that same Word be a fire of judgment to precipitate you into loss and grief. If you have questions or problems you are welcome to write. I will do my best to answer as the Lord enables thr­ough His wisdom and grace.