"Hear [ ] my word my people. I say to you, the hour has come for my people to realize that I am about to move in such a way that all that has been done in the past will seem insignificant in comparison. For I am about to bring my peo­ple who have put their trust in me and who are walking in my ways into a new realm, even into the land of promise which was covenanted with their forefathers, but who failed to enter in because of unbelief. I am about to bring to fulfillment all that I have had in readiness since the cry went forth from the cross 'It is finished." And I would have you hear another cry, my people. If you will only open your hearts to the revela­tion of my Spirit that you might understand what this means. And what is that cry? It is even this: ‘Moses my servant is dead.' Yes, Moses, that man of my choosing who led the children of Israel throughout the wilderness journey, but was not allowed to enter into the promised land, he is dead. And what does this mean to you? It means that a new era has dawned for my people. It means that the Moses era, which was the time of the wilderness, is past. My people, will you not hear my word! Will you not let me circumcise your hearts that you might understand! Do you grasp that which l am mak­ing known to you? If you could only understand the magni­tude of it you could scarcely keep from shouting for joy. Do you not realize that even now I am prepared to bring you into the promised land of spiritual blessing and power? Do you not realize that the wilderness journey is over and the testings and trials of the last nineteen hundred years have passed for those who are ready to enter into that which I have pre­pared? Are you ready my people? Do you fully believe that even death is no more and that my people shall enter into life forevermore? I say, some of you cannot comprehend fully what I am making known. But others will grasp the truth, and to them shall be made known the secrets which others do not know, and they shall fully possess all that I have ready and available right now. For Moses my servant is dead.

Yes my people, hear my word. Moses my servant is dead. Those who have been the leaders through the wilder­ness phase of the history of the church have had their day. They are in the dying systems of the Moses era. And those who have ears to hear I have raised up as a Joshua leader­ship. And now Joshua is taking over from Moses. For Moses is dead and can no longer lead my people. Even so are the churches of today dead. They are dead and soon to be buried in the wilderness of tribulation impending. For they cannot enter the promised land. But I will have a people who will enter the promised land (of spiritual fulness). Shout, you prisoners of hope! Shout, I say, for the waters of Jordan are be­ing turned back and the promised land is just ahead. It is even now within your grasp. It is even now within your view. Lift up your eyes and behold. Behold the beauty of my holiness, the glory of my presence, the power of my Spirit, the life abundant in the realms of my grace, and the deathless victory which, is even now pressing in on you for you to take hold of. So press in my people into that which is pressing in on you. You do not need to strive: just believe and receive that which I have prepared for you.


Did not Joshua prepare the people for three days before they crossed over? And am I not preparing my people to cross over in power? And were there not two periods of three days each? And shall I not appoint a day for a year in this end time? And shall there not also be two periods of approximate­ly three years each? I say to you, even now you are draw­ing near to the first period of about three years, after which the door to the true kingdom era will be opened and some of you will be ushered into a realm which is beyond what you can possibly imagine. Others will enter in after the second period of three years plus. And the total shall be approximately seven years after I first begin that which is even now pressing in on you. So prepare your hearts my people, for the cross­ing over is near at hand and you shall soon know the fullness of that which has been waiting for you ever since the victory was gained on Calvary almost two thousand years ago.

I say to you, did not the priests bear the ark into the waters of Jordan ahead of the people? And did not the waters part when the feet of the priests were placed therein? I say to you, the ark represents the very Son of God who crossed over in power into the promised land after He had gotten the victory over death and the grave. For it was He that caused the mighty descender called death to be rolled back even as the stone was rolled from the mouth of the tomb. He entered into the promised land of deathless victory where the fulness of inheritance and power were possessed. So shall I do for you my people. For do you not read that the children of Is­rael followed the ark approximately two thousand cubits be­hind? (Joshua 3:4). And is this not a picture of that which I am preparing to do now? Even now has almost two thousand years passed according to my reckoning of time, and soon a host shall cross over Jordan on dry ground and be translated from the physical to the spiritual or heavenly realm, and others shall cross over by entering into Immortality in human flesh where death has no more power. So again I say shout, for Moses my servant is dead and the wilderness journey is past. Only the promised land lies ahead. For already has the new day dawned for my people. The new day has not dawned for the world. For the world is yet in the bondage and travail of the wilderness of testing; but for those who have eyes to see the promised land is near, and Joshua has been prepared to lead my people in. Therefore hear my word and prepare your­selves, for the day of complete victory is near."

(end of pro­phecy).