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The End Time Visitation of Jesus Christ:
[ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ] [ Part 3 ] [ Part 4 ]
[ Part 5
] [ Part 6 ] [ Part
7 ] [ Part 8 ]
[ Conclusion ]
The Mystery of Iniquity: Apprehending Antichrist within the Presence, Continued….
- The Mystery at Work in the Modern Visitation of Jesus
II Th. 2:3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for [the Day of the Lord] will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. ...7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. 8 Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; 9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, 10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.
Once we understand how intrinsic the mystery and man of lawlessness were to Jesus’ incarnate visitation, we can make sense of the unique bedlam that emanates from the core of His modern Presential visit. That chaos is due to the inside betrayal by those to whom Christ has again given the same powers of deliverance and healing, but who, like Judas, divert that power to promote their own corrupt ruling ambitions over the church and over the stuporous masses who, in expectation of the gratification of their lusts, welcome the name of Jesus in their midst.
The same mystery that directly pursued Jesus went on to pursue His true apostles and has maintained that pursuit throughout this extensive modern visitation around the world. Wherever the Son of God has walked among the candlesticks, there has He been dogged by satan’s inside imposters the same way. That false apostles can and do emanate from within the genuine stirrings of Christ’s Presence has multiplied the difficulty in discerning truth from falsity wherever He shows Himself.
In their own day soon after Jesus ascended, both Paul and John acknowledged that this mystery was “already at work” among them, yet also acknowledged a climax still to come through a single man. But we who have received Christ’s Presence most today have overwhelmingly failed to recognize the mystery at work among us for what it is. And why is that? It is for the same reason that the disciples could not recognize Judas until it was too late. Even God’s true “Peters” and “Johns” and “Jameses” of today share the same unsevered identity and uncrucified ambition for carnal kingdom establishment as they did.
This is why the Presence-filled church cannot discern the man of sin under the cloud. The co-opting goes on and on, in our humanist worship, our humanist preaching and our attraction to grandstanding “super apostle” power workers with heady “third heaven revelations.” It is the power of Christ Himself that is present, yet is being hijacked by “devils” who are “workers of lawlessness,” even to casting out their own by Christ’s power.
We who as true disciples have embraced Christ’s renewed Presence have self-assuredly believed that all the carnal errors and developments enabling the rise of the coming man of sin can only happen “outside the Presence”—that is, out in those streams of the professing church and of the world itself which most deny Jesus’ active “now” ministry. We have thought that inside the Presence, we are safe and immune and delivered from that possibility. Therefore, under the Presence, we believe every spirit (“wind of doctrine”) and test nothing for its comportment with Christ’s word as given us by His first true apostles, thereby receiving “a different spirit from the Spirit you received” (II Cor. 11:4 NIV).
Wrong, church! It is just the opposite. Under the Presence, all the carnal kingdom ambition and other errors to which we believe ourselves immune are magnified and find their source of empowerment. And that is the dirty secret of the mystery of iniquity. The “thief” comes to “kill, steal and destroy” from within the innermost sanctum of Jesus’ own temple (i.e., us), underneath all our praises on the road to “Jerusalem.” This has been the great error of the Presence-embracing church throughout these end generations, and it is leading to a most unexpected bitter destination.
The antichrist spirit always arises from within God’s real visitation, only then to depart. On that crucial night during the first visitation, it says that Judas "went out." John later says that the antichrists "went out" from us. Antichrists are birthed and then leave from under the Presence. And so is it true now of Christ’s end time visitation ahead of that grandest of departures yet by the final man of sin and by those who fall away to him in the corporate apostasy Paul cited above.
This is why, as Paul says it, the powers of the last “son of perdition” will be so utterly deceivable and why God Himself can be credited with sending strong delusion upon people. It’s because all these power-works will indeed emanate from inside God’s Presence perimeter among a stuporous disobedient people who have come to such irredeemable blindness as to worship one who will, they believe, fulfil “by the Spirit” their carnal aspirations for that world messiah—a drama that will finally converge on Eretz Yisrael itself.
- The Germ of the Mystery
I Jn. 1:7 But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses all sin.
So far, we have defined the mystery of iniquity in terms of its kingdom level dynamics. We have seen it in terms of the competing power struggle between the ruling forces of the divine and the faux-divine.
This lawlessness however derives from a germ of deceptive spiritual persuasion deeper than the matter of spiritual power. To thoroughly understand the mystery as it affects us today, we must come to the understanding of its root composition. The Lord would have us perceive the makeup of the antichrist spirit at its "chromosomal" level.
A spirit-genetic switch out occurs in the heart and mind of every individual who succumbs to hosting the mystery of iniquity. By way of useful illustration, the human gene deformity known as Down Syndrome is caused by the mere addition of one chromosome to the otherwise normal DNA strand. Everything about the strand is right, except for just one microscopic cellular change, producing a crippled, deformed child.
The same is true of the antichrist principle operating in the spiritual DNA of the Christian believer. Just one small change in the believer’s otherwise completely healthy spiritual makeup spells the difference between an antichrist and a true disciple. That change is witnessed in the counterfeit form of I Jn.1:7 that heads this subsection. (Oh. Perhaps you didn’t notice it above? Please read it again here...)
I Jn. 1:7 But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses all sin.
Now, if when you first read this verse upon entering this section, your spirit picked up that something was “off” with the way I quoted it, and you thought that maybe I just made a “typo,” then congratulations! Your discernment is functioning.
But it is quite likely that, as you first read this verse, you read right through it, not noticing that it was subtly altered. Two “chromosomes” are missing from the end of the counterfeit verse. Let’s now reproduce the true verse:
I Jn. 1:7 But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.
Herein is revealed the genetic deformity behind mystery lawlessness. The germ of Antichrist DNA is found by the switching out of salvation’s true meaning (in which Christ’s blood “cleanses us from sin”) to instead say that His blood “cleanses sin” itself. The words “us from” are the missing chromosomes.
See in this switch how the separational factor that actually defines holiness is removed from the strand. It is no longer we who are saved from sin, but rather our sin that itself becomes the object of rehabilitation. The corrupted gene acts to “sanctify” everything that the Christ gene teaches must be crucified, put to death, abandoned and destroyed out of our lives and our relationships—nullifying the meaning of sanctification, holiness and salvation.
- The “Sanctification” of Sin
Mystery lawlessness is thus expressed through the oxymoronic belief in the sanctification of sin. It is to believe that sin, and thus everything giving it force—the dead, lustful soul energy of the flesh—can be retooled into the righteousness of Christ and acceptable to God. It says, “Christ died to redeem all my fleshly lusts and works. Everything I want or do can be made pleasing to Him as long as I claim to do it in ‘His name’ and ‘for His glory.’ I don’t need to say ‘no’ to anything; I only need to ‘repurpose’ it. I don’t need to change how I think, talk or act, nor to separate from anyone on such accounts. I just need to ‘dedicate all’ to Him.”
Lawless “salvation” does not require repudiation of evil behavior, but preaches redemption of the behavior itself. It is to decree as “holy” all that God in His holiness has decreed to be irredeemable. “Sin sanctification” is the gene defect that converts Christ’s truth to antichrist “truth.” So close on first glance, yet the furthest it is possible to stray oppositely from truth.
Mystery lawlessness appears in scripture everywhere from Cain’s first fleshly offering (Gen. 4:3), to Saul’s sanctifying his illicit spoils to the Lord (I Sam. 15:15), to Zimri’s fatal attempt to sanctify his illicit Midianite marriage before the Tabernacle (Num. 25:6-18), to the blemished offerings of Israel’s priests (Mal. 1:7-8).
The same lawlessness appears under the modern Presence through the beliefs Jude describes as “pervert[ing] the grace of our God into sensuality” (1:4 ESV)—where every lustful behavior from fornication to homosexuality can be justified as a “holy” act of love “unto the Lord.” By way of several examples, the mystery of iniquity:
· “sanctifies” the breaking of holy covenants and the making of unholy covenants through the divorce-and-remarriage “for every cause” ethos.
· inserts the chromosome named “unconditional” into the gene strand of divine love, forgiveness and grace that disables any requirement to separate from anyone of any behavior or persuasion for any reason.
· promulgates the teaching that all hell and satan himself will become redemptively “sanctified” to the Lord at the end of all time.
· teaches that the fleshly works of the world’s systems (i.e., the “mountains” of human culture) may be sanctified into the kingdom of God, rather than removed and replaced by His kingdom.
· advances the “cleansing” of all the world’s fleshly bloodlines and spiritual bestiality with the nations rather than the losing of those identities for Christ’s sake.
All this as perpetrated from within the inner sanctum of God’s Presence again characterizes the “all deceivableness” by which Paul identified the coming of the second man of perdition, answering also to 1) the seductive teachings of Jezebel and Balaam cited by Jesus to the churches of Revelation, and 2) the spiritually-justified lusts of reprobate teachers cited by Peter and Jude. In today’s parlance, this spiritual deformity is oft referred to as “false grace.”
The Lord intently desires that His true people recognize the antichrist gene of sin sanctification behind every loose thing we are hearing today out of the Presence-visited pulpit—to listen for it, detect it, and illumine it for what it really is so the wise may take heed and where possible, purge it from our midst, beginning from within our own carnal flesh.
- Babylon: The Mystery Corporate
Rev. 17:5 ESV And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: "Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth's abominations."
It is valuable to momentarily scope out iniquity’s mystery a bit further to capture its fuller application to the masses. Hitherto we have observed the mystery in terms only of its singular principle through the man of lawlessness, beginning with Judas. It is referred to in its singular masculine form, also called “son of perdition,” or “antichrist.
(For more detail on the competitive development of Christ and antichrist within the “womb” of the Spirit’s aura, please see the article The Birth of Esau and Jacob: A Prophetic Key To Discerning Christ from Antichrist in the End Time Moves Of God.)
However, where the mystery proceeds to successfully infect an entire outer body of people who flock into union with antichrist, it becomes seen in terms of feminine harlotry. Such harlotry is profusely portrayed throughout the Old Testament, epitomized by the queen Jezebel.
During Christ’s original visitation, the devil (in effect) offered Jesus the masses as an unholy “bride” in exchange for worship. This would have been a harlot bride characterized by the spirit lawlessness the masses would want Jesus to satisfy, had He accepted their kingship.
But no. He came only for a bride “called out” (i.e., sanctified apart) from the lusty masses, a bride who would become conformed to His same holiness in the Father’s will. Jesus rejected the corporate seductiveness of the masses fawning after Him. So see the comparison. Where Christ calls out a holy bride of followers from among a populace, antichrist instead “sanctifies” the unholy masses unto himself, cementing their harlotry to make them equal partakers of the mystery.
Now, in these end times also, the larger church is increasingly embracing the mystery of lawlessness as promulgated by antichrist figures from within the Presence. Thus today’s corporate seduction too is identified by the feminine spirit of Jezebel, which Jesus rebukes His churches for tolerating (Rev. 2:20-24). The corrupt mystery is ultimately identified in its fullest worldwide manifestation as “Mystery: Babylon” (Rev. 17:5).
See then, Mystery Babylon is simply the ultimate corporate expression of the sin sanctification perversion as it captures the masses who apostasize around the final antichrist. In his day, Paul fought to keep this harlotrous appeal from taking hold of his “virgin” churches under the influence of lawless “super apostles” boasting supernatural revelational powers from Christ (Study II Cor. 11-12). Today, that fight is still maintained within churches by true aspiring sons of God training under the spirit of Elijah.
Nevertheless, Christians are increasingly “whoring” after the Spirit’s subverted powers, buying into the genetically altered “grace” teachings and “revelations” of inside power antichrists who prostitute the Lord’s visits unto such ends. Our purpose is only to grasp that this consummation between the son(s) of perdition and the harlotrous “anti-bride(s)” occurs precisely due to the operation of Jesus’ true end time visitation among us.
If it were not for the Lord’s real visiting of us in these latest generations, none of this mystery could have come into force. Iniquity’s mystery depends on siphoning off Christ’s own Presence to achieve usurpation of Him. And God’s purpose for the allowance of that mystery is strictly for—as we have said from the beginning—to prove the real heart of all who come into contact with the Living Son of God ahead of His unveiled incarnational Return.
(For more on the source nature of and war with this end time corporate mystery of lawlessness, please see the teachings, “Just Where Did She Get Those Jewels?": Grasping the Modern Phenomenon of Holy Spiritual Harlotry, Elijah, Jezebel and the Bride: Where Are We Now?, The Battle for the Bride and the chapter Subversion of the Old Covenant People from the flagship treatise, Flight from Babylon: The Coming Salvation from the Works of Collective Society )
- “Many Will Say to Me….”
Mt. 7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' 23 "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness.'"
I Jn. 2:18 Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared;…
Mt. 7:13 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14 For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
The word “many” in these passages is important to our discussion of Christ’s end time visitation. Consider how that “many” will say to the Lord…. and “many” antichrists have appeared…and “many” enter the broad way to destruction. Collectively, these passages tell us something about the extent of the power of spiritual lawlessness to inflict destruction on those who believe they dwell securely under the cloud of the Presence.
Unlike the inner core of Jesus’ first visitation in which only one disciple was finally lost to the mystery, Jesus and John indicate that the numbers of “Judases” under the end time Presence will be proportionately much higher. Let’s pay special attention to this:
Jesus says that “many” will offer the record of their works empowered by Him (such as Judas displayed) as their credentials for kingdom entrance. But they will be rejected. Elsewhere He says that “many” will follow the broad way to destruction. “Destruction” (alias perdition) is the same word used to describe the end of the man of sin and those who apostasize after him. So the word “many” joins these passages. Jesus is telling us that many antichrists using His powers, will like Judas end in the same destruction. There will be many sons of perdition following in this broad way.
This is most significant for us now because not until the Lord’s 19th century visitations have there been “many” who could actually claim a record of supernatural works to their credit. Until these modern times, extremely few believers have shown any access to the powers of prophecy, deliverance and healing. Only in our times have these again been dispensed so widely that it could occur for “many” to offer their disobedient exercise of such works as a ticket to kingdom entrance.
Yet it is in these same times that Jesus Himself has come to visit the world and display these works, only veiling His physical appearance. This shows us that the rise of the “many” antichrists in our times is directly related to the increase of Jesus’ manifest Presence in these same times, and that Jesus was speaking directly to our times when He made His warning. It also highly infers that, unlike the ratio of saved disciples to the one lost disciple under Jesus’ first visit, the numbers under His end time visit will be reversed. There will be far more iniquitous “Judases” who become partakers of His powers than true disciples.
This correlation between antichrist proliferation and the modern release of Christ’s visitation, together with the reverse number ratio of Judases compared to His first visit should highly sober and warn us that abiding under Jesus’ Presence today offers no basis for any self-assurance whatsoever of our spiritual state. That we can prophesy and execute deliverances and healings proves absolutely nothing about our possessing “the heart of God” in covenantal fidelity to Him. It says nothing about our convictional truality to the Lord’s identity-severing, soul purifying Word—the word of the cross. The odds are higher that we will prove out to be a Judas rather than a Peter, a John or a James. This should strike a holy chord of fear within us.
In closing this discussion on the mystery of lawlessness—
that the numbers now following under Christ’s cloud—being indeed so stuporous, so unable to hear and test for truth, so believing in mongrelized identity between Adam and Christ, so believing in a political kingship that can sanctify fallen culture’s sinful systems, so unable to discern iniquity working behind the prophecies and miracle healings they witness—these burgeoning numbers worldwide tell us that the final parallel between Christ’s first and present visitations is imminently to be realized…
(To be continued…)
Chris Anderson
New Meadow Neck, Rhode Island
First Love Ministry
- a ministry of Anglemar Fellowship
Webmaster littleflock@netzero.net
Page created January 6, 2010